Your development from a different perspective

Integral8 is an executive leadership development business.

We help leaders and their teams, navigate their complex challenges and unlock their potential, guiding them expertly along a journey of rapid development by applying Integral Meta Theory.

We can do the same for you.

Our purpose and mission are to guide you on a path that leads not just to success, but to a more flourishing life. A life where you can harness your fullest potential, contribute meaningfully, and thrive in harmony with others.

In a society that is increasingly embracing this integral perspective, we stand at the cusp of creating something truly transformative – for you, for us, for everyone.

If you bring your whole self, to the developmental table, we will bring all of us, and together, let's change you, us, your organisation, and the world for the better, one integral step at a time.

Peter Dawson

The founder behind Integral8 is Peter Dawson. He has been trained in The Complete Coaching System and is an Integral Professional Coach in the Integral Coaching method by Integral Coaching Canada. Ken Wilber has described this to be “the most complete and the most comprehensive coaching program available.”

Peter is a member of International Coaching federation (ICF) and has worked with hundreds of executive professionals and used the integral methods to significantly enable people to increase their vertical development and their capability to manage complex issues.

Before this Peter worked in the commercial real estate world as senior executive leader, during which he was CEO of FTSE 250 company.

He has twenty five years of business leadership experience and has served on the boards of both publicly listed, private and not for profit companies.

Peter is also a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Sue Dawson

Sue Dawson

A seasoned embodiment movement specialist, dedicating her life to movement and empowerment. With over 30 years of teaching, studying, and practicing.

Sue includes integral practices alongside embodiment coaching, to bring what’s needed for development and finding more ease and peace in mind, body and soul.

Her skills enable her to “join the dots” from how you experience sensations in your body and how they relate to your emotions, feelings, and how you think. All of these impact how you move.

Sue has the ability to translate this information in a way that makes all things seem easy to understand to support change and finding balance.

Sue is able to skilfully integrate the insights from her broad yet deep approach, in order to get to the underlying issues, so that clients can overcome their challenges, rather than just work on the symptoms. Enabling you to show up, how you want to experience life.

Her approach is compassionate, empowering, fun, supportive and dedicated to your whole wellbeing.

  • "Peter is the best executive coach I have worked with or seen working with others…full stop…great guy. Depth and breadth."

    Fergus, Group Chief Customer Experience Officer, Dublin

  • "Sue is just superb at taking academic terminology and relating it in a really fun brilliantly explained way that just allows you to understand and visualise everything so well."

    Lorraine, UK

Know what you need already?


Empowering you to feel amazing in your mind, body and soul.

Soul Gratifying Practices, helping you feel emotionally and mentally grounded, held, and supported through movement, breath, sound and stillness.